Hello! We would like to introduce ourselves! We are friends, family and fans of Anthony Bracewell, a well accomplished 16 (almost 17) year old violinist with an extensive resume even at his young age! We represent a group of people who love and support him and we (along with Anthony) have a mission! Our mission is to get this hard working, extremely talented violinist to a Music School of his choice. The May Court Club of Windsor along with Rosser Reeves Jewellers are proud to support Anthony is his journey of Music and the Arts. For information on making a donation please call: Carol Weepers (519)979-3642 or toll free in the U.S. or Canada 1-877-860-3952
See Anthony on Facebook for event information. Event is open to all of Facebook. Please leave a comment we would love to hear from you. Also, coming soon... video of Anthony and his quartet in which they won the Gold Medal in Cleveland.
Video now available to view on Facebook.
May Court Club of Windsor
Approaching their 75th Anniversary, the May Court Club of Windsor is expanding its fund raising activities in Windsor and Essex County, not only to financially assist 16 year old prize winning violinist, Anthony Bracewell, but to help support the many organizations that call upon them each year for financial or volunteer aid. They include school breakfast programs, child abuse prevention, helping children with learning disabilities, The Snoezelen Room - Autism services, Regional Children’s Centre, healing arts, Kiwanis Music Festival, three summer camps and Science City amongst others. The Bargain Box Boutique, at present on Wyandotte Street E. is open daily and entirely staffed by volunteer members. It features good quality clothing, books, shoes, jewellery and household items, mostly on consignment, but all donations are cheerfully accepted.
To Donate please call ....
You can donate.. ...call 877-860-3952 or 519-979-3642
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